
Listen deeply to the plants and learn all you can from observing Mother Nature.
Botanicals work wonder for the skin.


Listen deeply to the plants and learn all you can from observing Mother Nature. Botanicals work wonder for the skin. They have anti aging properties which help calm & firm the skin. Ideal for soothing sensitive skin, help clear acne, and can reduce itching and dryness, that comes with eczema. For example herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, leaves or seeds play wonderful role for rejuvenating and keeping our skin healthy and glowing.Herbs and flowers are used for their therapeutic properties. They are used to speed up healing of skin complaints. Herbs are antiseptic and nourishing. The natural ingredients we use in our soaps;-


Nettle is a powerhouse of benefits for skin .its an anti inflammatory, exceptionally helpful in skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis ( redness, swollen, sore, blisters and irritated skin). A natural beautifier to skin and hair. An anti aging plant and helps restore a more calm healthy skin.


Neem is good for acne and neem water can be used as a toner. It helps in scars, pigmentation and removes black heads. Neem moisturises our skin and leaves it soft and supple. It’s best known for its anti aging properties, protects from uv rays, maintains elasticity of the skin, reduces wrinkles and fine lines.


Neem is good for acne and neem water can be used as a toner. It helps in scars, pigmentation and removes black heads. Neem moisturises our skin and leaves it soft and supple. It’s best known for its anti aging properties, protects from uv rays, maintains elasticity of the skin, reduces wrinkles and fine lines.


Castor oil is a skin softener and acts as a humectant. It’s a good conditioner. Prevents wrinkles, fights acne, reduces puffiness and soothes sunburn, promotes growth of healthy skin tissues and helps restore uneven skin tones. It also keeps skin hydrated and reduces blackheads.


Matcha is an excellent ingredient for the skin. It has anti bacterial properties and contains incredibly high levels of epigallocattechin gallate (EGCG), a substance which is helpful in reducing inflammation and evens skin tone. It reduces acne and increases skin elasticity. It has ability to decrease sebum production.


Matcha is an excellent ingredient for the skin. It has anti bacterial properties and contains incredibly high levels of epigallocattechin gallate (EGCG), a substance which is helpful in reducing inflammation and evens skin tone. It reduces acne and increases skin elasticity. It has ability to decrease sebum production.


It can remove toxins and treat oily skin. It works by absorbing oils and dirt from the skin. It contains natural minerals such as calcium , magnesium, and iron. It helps deliver essential vitamins and minerals to the body.


Rich in vitamin A, which helps build collagen , Vitamin C which helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and vitamin E, with healing and anti-inflammatory benefits.
It maintains moisture in the skin and slows down aging. It may help firm up the facial skin making it look younger and healthy.


Rich in vitamin A, which helps build collagen , Vitamin C which helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and vitamin E, with healing and anti-inflammatory benefits.
It maintains moisture in the skin and slows down aging. It may help firm up the facial skin making it look younger and healthy.


Helps control oiliness, can remove excess sebum from the facial skin. It’s a natural detoxifier and exfoliator, can sooth rashes and irritation. Has ability to tone skin, helps remove dead skin cells,excess oil , toxins and dirt. Removes impurities without drying the skin.


Lemon powder is a natural skin whitening agent that help to do away with marks, blemishes and spots. Lemon peel is high on vitamin c and comes with exfoliating properties. It helps add a degree of fairness to the skin in the most natural manner. Enhances the clarity, glow and softness of the skin.


Lemon powder is a natural skin whitening agent that help to do away with marks, blemishes and spots. Lemon peel is high on vitamin c and comes with exfoliating properties. It helps add a degree of fairness to the skin in the most natural manner. Enhances the clarity, glow and softness of the skin.


Absorbs excess oil, dirt, and impurities from the skin. It’s purifies, cleanses, gently exfoliates, tightens and tones the skin, reducing the appearance of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.
Dead Sea being the lowest point on earth is famous for its amazing healing powers.


Turmeric can help restore your natural glow and treat uneven skin tones. It’s excellent for acne, and helps to keep bacteria from spreading, reduces dark circles, protects against skin damage and aging, reduces appearance of marks and soothes dry skin.


Turmeric can help restore your natural glow and treat uneven skin tones. It’s excellent for acne, and helps to keep bacteria from spreading, reduces dark circles, protects against skin damage and aging, reduces appearance of marks and soothes dry skin.


Gives a radiant complexion and tones uneven skin, helps in exfoliating skin, controls oiliness, removes suntan, fades pigmentation marks, clears up acne and pimples. Very good for reducing blemishes, and treating acne. It contains natural skin lightening properties.


Due to omega 3, it keeps skin healthy and hydrated. It creates a protective layer on the skin. It can repair scars, and deep wounds. It clears the skin by removing all impurities. It’s a super food for skin keeping it moist and protecting from uv rays.


Due to omega 3, it keeps skin healthy and hydrated. It creates a protective layer on the skin. It can repair scars, and deep wounds. It clears the skin by removing all impurities. It’s a super food for skin keeping it moist and protecting from uv rays.


Activated charcoal draws bacteria, chemicals and dirt to the surface of the skin, helping to achieve a flawless complexion, clears skin, unclog pores, removes deeper impurities, and dead skin cells giving smooth, supple and even tones skin. The impurities are attracted to the charcoal molecules and washed away. Helps rejuvenate skin and makes it more fresh, bright and clear. Lightens the skin.


anti-aging, rich in iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants which refresh, rejuvenate and help you feel energised. It prevents aging, treats acne, prevents infection, helps skin look firmer and more elastic , stimulates cell growth to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
This herb can help to treat acne and oily skin conditions, improves skin complexion, helps reduce swelling and puffiness of the skin, heals burns. It’s a powerful cure for chronic skin conditions including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.


anti-aging, rich in iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants which refresh, rejuvenate and help you feel energised. It prevents aging, treats acne, prevents infection, helps skin look firmer and more elastic , stimulates cell growth to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
This herb can help to treat acne and oily skin conditions, improves skin complexion, helps reduce swelling and puffiness of the skin, heals burns. It’s a powerful cure for chronic skin conditions including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.


Rose petal powder is rich in vitamin c and other antioxidants, which helps to boost the collagen production and strengthens skin cells and tissues. It entirely removes blemishes and acne scars from the skin. Rose petal powder soap is a luxurious body soap which makes it antibacterial , anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. Good for all skin types including sensitive, dry and aging skin, reduces oil over production in oily skin.


Hibiscus is also called a Botox plant. It provides skin with even tone and texture. Cleanses, soothes, softens, protects against acne.
Hibiscus flowers are high in antioxidants and amino acids, they have wrinkles soothing properties. It is known to purify the skin in an all round manners.

Hibiscus is considered a powerful anti aging plant with its astounding ability to hold in the activity of the enzyme called elastase.
Hibiscus in soap brings balance for a more naturally gorgeous complexion.


Hibiscus is also called a Botox plant. It provides skin with even tone and texture. Cleanses, soothes, softens, protects against acne.
Hibiscus flowers are high in antioxidants and amino acids, they have wrinkles soothing properties. It is known to purify the skin in an all round manners.

Hibiscus is considered a powerful anti aging plant with its astounding ability to hold in the activity of the enzyme called elastase.
Hibiscus in soap brings balance for a more naturally gorgeous complexion.


Aloe Vera is a promising herb which is widely used in cosmetics for its medicinal properties. It’s deeply nourishing and helps diminish the appearance of wrinkles and other blemishes for a youthful complexion by removing dead cell tissues. It’s ideal for sensitive skin, helps scaring, acne prone skin and sunburn due to its soothing qualities. By penetrating into your skin, helps clear away all possible substances that could add to the aging of skin. Aloe Vera contains almost 20 amino acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, nitrogen, and other components that make it a Miracle Beauty herb.


Lycopene in tomato is a terrific antioxidant. It nourishes skin cells and helps protect from environmental pollutants. Tomato improves skin and hair condition. It helps cure large pores, treat acne,soothe sunburn & revive dull skin. The antioxidants in tomato fight cellular damage and skin inflammation. Tomato also works wonderfully well as an astringent and improves facial texture. Tomatoes are great natural bleaching agents, help tighten the skin as well as shrinking large pores, leaving the skin light and glowing.


Lycopene in tomato is a terrific antioxidant. It nourishes skin cells and helps protect from environmental pollutants. Tomato improves skin and hair condition. It helps cure large pores, treat acne,soothe sunburn & revive dull skin. The antioxidants in tomato fight cellular damage and skin inflammation. Tomato also works wonderfully well as an astringent and improves facial texture. Tomatoes are great natural bleaching agents, help tighten the skin as well as shrinking large pores, leaving the skin light and glowing.


Cucumber revitalises skin, and most importantly reverses skin tanning. Cucumber has a mild bleaching property which gives the skin a youthful and glowing look. It keeps skin safe from dehydration, and is a natural moisturiser. Regular use of cucumber can help lighten, brighten, and tighten the skin.


They contain essential oils and high concentration of carotene and act as anti inflammatories to promote topical healing and soothe irritated skin. It’s great for rashes, scratches, eczema, psoriasis, chapped , and damaged skin. Natural soap infused with calendula olive oil is very effective herbal remedy for skin problems. It slows down the development of wrinkles.


They contain essential oils and high concentration of carotene and act as anti inflammatories to promote topical healing and soothe irritated skin. It’s great for rashes, scratches, eczema, psoriasis, chapped , and damaged skin. Natural soap infused with calendula olive oil is very effective herbal remedy for skin problems. It slows down the development of wrinkles.


It soothes irritated skin, calming down inflammation and sensitive areas, and helping speed up healing of minor injuries and sunburn.it lightens up complexion, thus giving a nice, healthy glow.


Dandelion is great for treating conditions like acne, warts, eczema, age spots, and helps to firm and tone unbalanced or sagging skin. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Dandelions are loaded with minerals and vitamins, particularly vitamin A&C


Dandelion is great for treating conditions like acne, warts, eczema, age spots, and helps to firm and tone unbalanced or sagging skin. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Dandelions are loaded with minerals and vitamins, particularly vitamin A&C


It nourishes and softens the skin. Rich in nutrients and vitamin c, orange peel is extremely beneficial to the skin. Vitamin C not only combats free radicals and oiliness but also helps add a natural glow, which makes orange peel a potent beauty product for the skin.


Treats wounds and skin infections, it helps treat acne, and skin sores. Jacaranda leaves infusion is good for skin problems.


Treats wounds and skin infections, it helps treat acne, and skin sores. Jacaranda leaves infusion is good for skin problems.

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